OS & Tools/ROS
ROS 환경에서 CMake Upgrade 방법
2021. 4. 4. 23:50
Warning -- Do not do step 2 if you have Robot Operating System (ROS) installed
- Check your current version with cmake --version
Uninstall it with sudo apt remove cmake- Visit https://cmake.org/download/ and download the latest binaries
- In my case cmake-3.6.2-Linux-x86_64.sh is sufficient copy the binary to /opt/
- chmod +x /opt/cmake-3.*your_version*.sh (chmod makes the script executable)
- sudo bash /opt/cmake-3.*your_version.sh* (you'll need to press y twice)
- The script installs to /opt/cmake-3.*your_version* so in order to get the cmake command, make a symbolic link:
- sudo ln -s /opt/cmake-3.*your_version*/bin/* /usr/local/bin
- Test your results with cmake --version
> As observed by Matt, IF YOU ARE A ROS USER DO NOT RUN "REMOVE CMAKE" Running this command will remove the current cmake version but will also remove parts of your ROS distribution, breaking everything and forcing you to re-install EVERYTHING related to ROS. A warning should be added to this command, or at the very least the leading answer should include a way to update cmake, rather than remove-and-replace.
REF : askubuntu.com/questions/829310/how-to-upgrade-cmake-in-ubuntu